


Προαγωγές στην Ogilvy!

Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους τους συναδέλφους για την σκληρή δουλειά, τις επιδόσεις και την πρόοδό τους.
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Ogilvy & Greenpeace «χαλάνε το κλίμα» για να φτιάξουνε το κλίμα.

Η νέα καμπάνια για την περιβαλλοντική οργάνωση μας θυμίζει τις τρομαχτικές συνέπειες της κλιματικής...
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Με την καμπάνια της Ogilvy για τον Buondi Craft, οι ιδιοκτήτες καφέ «κοιμούνται ήσυχοι».

Ogilvy και Nestlé Professional δημιουργούν μία καμπάνια, αφιερωμένη στις υπηρεσίες που προσφέρει ο...
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Ο πιο σύντομος διάλογος σε διαφήμιση έρχεται από την Ogilvy για το ΥΠΟΙΚ

Η Ogilvy επικοινωνεί τη νέα εποχή για τις παραλίες της χώρας, με δύο μόνο λόγια. Αθήνα, 23/07/2024...
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Ogilvy x Dove: Διπλή διάκριση στα Global Influencer Marketing Awards 2024

Η καμπάνια Dear Influencers συνεχίζει τη σαρωτική της πορεία σε εγχώρια και διεθνή βραβεία, με την...
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H Ogilvy, για τέταρτη συνεχόμενη φορά, Agency of the Year στα Effie Awards Hellas

Με μία σαρωτική επικράτηση, κερδίζοντας τα 18 από τα 25 συνολικά βραβεία Effie που δόθηκαν χτες...
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Ogilvy και COSMOTE μας δείχνουν πόσο σημαντικό είναι να έχεις κάποιον σταθερά δίπλα σου.

Αθήνα, 02/07/24 – Είναι σημαντικό να έχεις κάποιον σταθερά δίπλα σου. Κάποιον που να είναι εκεί από...
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ΑΙ & the dawn of inspiration economy!

Athens, 01/07/2024 - Ogilvy Greece held a private event on the transformative power of Artificial...
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ΑΙ και η Αυγή της Οικονομίας της Έμπνευσης!

Αθήνα, 27/06/2024 - Κλειστή εκδήλωση πραγματοποίησε η Ogilvy με θέμα τη μετασχηματιστική δύναμη της...
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Wednesday 29 July, 2009

Hopenhagen. A global campaign for the UN, by OgilvyEarth

Last September, the UN Secretary, General Ban Ki-moon appealed tothe heads of the global agency holding companies for their assistancein achieving a positive outcome at the COP (Conference of Parties) 15UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen to, in his words, Seal theDeal.

OgilvyEarth took the strategic lead on the project and developed acreative brief resulting from a series of in-depth interviews with 50global thought leaders that yielded the insight that no change willhappen unless the people demand it.

The brief was delivered to ad agencies across all the holdingcompanies, including the Ogilvy global network. The Ogilvy campaignidea, called "Hopenhagen," was selected in a highly competitiveeight-agency pitch with three rounds of rigorous reviews by theInternational Advertising Association (IAA) and the United Nations herein New York.

Teams from Ogilvy New York, London, Buenos Aires, Paris andSingapore worked together to conceive this campaign that, at its core,has the ambition to create a movement and drive change.

“Hopenhagen” is a perfect example of all that makes Ogilvy great. Itis a standout creative idea that has a compelling big ideaL: “Webelieve the world will be a better place if people feel empowered toinfluence their leaders to make the right decisions about our future atCopenhagen.” It is a movement and a chance at a new beginning. The hopethat we can create a global community that will lead our leaders intomaking the right decisions. The hope that we can solve ourenvironmental crisis and our economic crisis at the same time.Hopenhagen is change – and that change will be powered by all of us.

The movement uses all available social media outlets to empower thecitizens of the world to become content generators and “seal the deal.”It will include a robust digital platform, featuring global videocontent, social media tools, curricula, and action items, globaladvertising and media, original content and distribution opportunities,and events.

The campaign was unveiled to the IAA Worldwide Board, theCopenhagen Mayor’s Office, the Denmark Ministry of Foreign Affairs, thecreative community, and the press at The Cannes Advertising Festival inJune and it was met with great support and very strong endorsements.The announcement at Cannes was accompanied by a teaser campaignfeaturing out-of-home advertising to generate awareness of theoverarching campaign idea. The full campaign will continue to evolvewith a robust 360 global launch in September.

To get involved with the movement let your voice be heard by posting your message of hope at http://www.hopenhagen.org.