


Η Ogilvy PR και η Eurobank λανσάρουν πλήρως προσβάσιμο Οδηγό Εξυπηρέτησης για τα άτομα με αναπηρία.

Η Ogilvy PR, για λογαριασμό της Eurobank παρουσιάζει τον Οδηγό Εξυπηρέτησης για τα άτομα με...
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H νέα καμπάνια της Ogilvy για το payzy pro με payzy POS είναι αυτό που θες.

Μια ολοκληρωμένη επικοινωνία για μια ολοκληρωμένη λύση για επιχειρήσεις. Αθήνα, 21/11/24 - Το payzy...
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H Ogilvy είναι ξανά Advertising, Digital, Direct και PR Agency of the Year, στα Ermis Awards 2024

Για δεύτερη συνεχόμενη χρονιά, η Ogilvy κατέκτησε τον τίτλο του Agency of the Year σε όλες τις...
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Το νέο report της Ogilvy για τα Social Media Trends του 2025 εστιάζει σε 5 key shifts για social-first brand building!

Το 2024 ήταν η χρονιά που αναδείχθηκε η δύναμη των Social Media ως σημαντικού εργαλείου οικοδόμησης...
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Media first από την Ogilvy One & ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος

Η Ogilvy One καινοτομεί με τη χρήση media first formats για την ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος Αθήνα, 30/01/2025...
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Νέα omnichannel καμπάνια από την Toyota Hellas και την Ogilvy One για το Yaris Cross.

Μέσω μιας προσωποποιημένης εμπειρίας καταναλωτή αξιοποιώντας τη Meta & το Salesforce Marketing...
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Μια καμπάνια από την Ogilvy για την Eurobank μέσα από έναν καθρέφτη.

Μία επικοινωνία για την ιστορία ενός καθρέφτη και των ανθρώπων του που ψάχνουν το δικό τους σπίτι...
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Christmas Magic στο Χωριό, από την Ogilvy!

Ogilvy & Coca-Cola ταξιδεύουν τη μαγεία των Χριστουγέννων, σε πόλεις και χωριά. Κυρίως χωριά!...
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Δυο Ευρωπαϊκές Διακρίσεις για την Ogilvy PR στα European Excellence Awards 2024

Για την εσωτερική καμπάνια ‘Σκεφτόμαστε Πρωτοποριακά. Δουλεύουμε Διαφορετικά.’ της Eurobank Αθήνα,...
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Ogilvy και Eurobank «€πιστρέφουν» με νέα καμπάνια.

Αθήνα, 13/12/2024 – Στις γιορτές δίνεις πολλές υποσχέσεις. Άλλες τις τηρείς, άλλες τις αθετείς...
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ΑΙ & the dawn of inspiration economy!

Monday 1 July, 2024
by Nikolaos Tsakonas

Athens, 01/07/2024 - Ogilvy Greece held a private event on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence and the opportunities unlocked by the new technology for both advertisers and clients. As part of the event, the heads of marketing departments from major clients that partner with Ogilvy Greece, as well as members of the Agency's leadership team, discussed the importance of inspiration in an era where access to "Generative AI" applications and tools is constantly expanding. These allow marketing professionals to “launch” creative ideas that have been developed to a point with the help of artificial intelligence.

The event’s keynote speaker, Antonis Kocheilas, Ogilvy's Global Chief Transformation Officer, shared that although Artificial Intelligence is nothing new, the development of large language models and genetic artificial intelligence, as well as their mass adoption, marks the birth of a new era in which the advertising market is being asked to rethink not only how it does things but also why it chooses to do things in that manner.

AI is not just a tool that automates processes to make us more efficient. It is a new possibility of augmented imagination that drives progress down new paths, signifying the emergence of a new economy in which inspiration is the key currency," said Antonis Kocheilas, then adding, "In the past, the fear of failure acted as a deterrent to creativity. Genetic artificial intelligence now gives us the ability to experiment, try new things, and ultimately let the expectation of the benefit of success guide us."

The deputy CEOs at Ogilvy Greece, George Kotionis and Christos Latos, stated that "Ogilvy's mission in Greece is not only to participate in collaborations and produce campaigns that are the epitome of "creative excellence,"  but also to guide important contemporary discussions from a "thought leader" position, about trends that shape the modern creative industry and the advertising market. This event gave us the opportunity to explore, along with our clients, how AI can break new ground in terms of strategic positioning, creative identity, and ultimately, business growth for the companies that trust Ogilvy.

Ogilvy Greece has already integrated AI into its daily life, by ensuring access to important tools for all its people and by establishing a dedicated team within the organization, with the ultimate goal of guiding the entire company in the thrilling journey of AI transformation.