Our Work

Dove / Dear Influencers


Can a brand help change the advertising regulations of a country?  It can and it did; for the “Dear Influencers” campaign by Dove we created a country-wide letter addressed to Greek influencers and the public, with the sole purpose of activating the audience to participate and sign our petition. All this worked towards our ultimate goal; change the Greek advertising regulations. And months after our campaign, this came true with the inclusion of the crucial topics of filters and retouched images in the Special Annex of the Greek Advertising-Communications Code (EKD-E) related to influencer marketing.

Public Relations

Grand Ermis PR 2023

10 Ermis Awards 2023

Grand Effie, Effie Awards Hellas 2024

3 Gold, Effie Awards Hellas 2024

Gold, Global Influencer Marketing Awards 2024

Silver, Global Influencer Marketing Awards 2024